WinUtilities Pro v10.36 Multilingual Full Serial Keygen (6 MB)
WinUtilities Pro v10.36 Multilingual Full Serial Keygen - Software that allows you to optimize and speed up system performance in our Computers and Laptops. This software has tools utilities to clean registry, temporary files on disk, delete the application (uninstaller) and internet browser history, cache and cookies, disk defrag, memory optimizer, auto shutdown, etc..WinUtilities Pro is an award winning collection of tools to optimize and speedup your system performance. this suite contains utilities to clean registry, temporary files on your disks, erase your application and internet browser history, cache and cookies. it also supports to defragment your disk drives and improve computer performance and stability. built-in StartUp Cleaner allows you to control startup programs that load automatically with windows, find duplicate files, fix broken shortcuts and uninstall unneeded software. other features include secure file deletion, recycle bin shredding, system maintenance tasks scheduling and undelete deleted files.
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Serial key:
OS: Windows 7, Vista, 95, NT4, 98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003 Server
Bahasa Indonesia
WinUtilities Pro v10.36 Multilingual Full Serial Keygen - adalah Software untuk mengoptimalkan dan speedup kinerja sistem anda. suite ini mengandung utilitas untuk membersihkan registri, file-file sementara pada disk Anda, menghapus aplikasi Anda dan riwayat browser internet, cache dan cookie. ia juga mendukung untuk defragment disk drive anda dan meningkatkan kinerja komputer dan stabilitas. built-in StartUp Cleaner memungkinkan Anda untuk mengontrol program startup yang beban secara otomatis dengan jendela, menemukan file duplikat, memperbaiki pintas rusak dan menghapus perangkat lunak yang tidak dibutuhkan. fitur-fitur lainnya termasuk aman penghapusan file, recycle bin shredding, sistem pemeliharaan penjadwalan tugas dan membatalkan penghapusan file dihapus